Eco Cleaning

Avoiding household cleaning products served in plastic bottles is a great way to reduce plastic household waste output.

Plastic in household cleaning products

Household cleaning products, be it general household cleaner, glass cleaner, toilet cleaner, multi-surface cleaner, floor cleaners or dish soap, almost always come in plastic bottles with built-in spray nozzles or pump mechanisms. An estimated 2.5 billion plastic cleaning products end up in landfills in the US alone, despite the fact that most of the plastic bottles are recyclable. This is largely because the plastic bottles are difficult to clean and the labels are difficutlt to remove, both of which contaminate and make the plastic unrecyclable. Further, the spray or pump nozzles are usually made from multiple types of different plastics and are therefore very difficult to recycle.

Reducing plastic waste from household cleaning products

Much like eco friendly laundry alternatives, there are plenty of options for eco friendly household cleaning products.

- Choose products that are delivered in sustainable and eco friendly packaging, be it compostable, biodegradable or recyclable.

- Try out some of the refillable options available for general household cleaner, glass cleaner, toilet cleaner, multi-surface cleaner, floor cleaners and dish soaps. They usually come in tablet form which you dissolve in water.

- Explore some of the concentrates - these are usually delivered in smaller glass or aluminium bottles and simply require dilution prior to use.

- Check out some of the growing number of refill stations to reduce packaging waste completely.

- Use sustainable options for cleaning materials - such as reusable microfiber cloths and towels, washable sponges and mop heads, and recycled or recyclable trash and bin liners.

Avoid harmful chemicals in cleaning products

Household cleaners often contain a cocktail of chemicals that are bad for human skin as well as for the environment.  Volatile Organic Compounds (VCOs) are gases emitted from certain solids or liquids and which cause eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, and even damage to the liver, kidneys, and nervous system. They are found in most air fresheners, aerosol sprays, chlorine bleach and many household cleaners.  Other chemicals that are knwon to be harmful and which persist in household cleaning products include phthalates, PFAS, ammonia, chlorine bleach, formaldehyde, triclosan and sodium hydroxide.

- Choose non toxic household cleaning options to reduce exposiure to harmful chemicals, triggering alleriges and respiratory problems.