Renewable Lego

August 28, 2024
Eco Tech

Lego is shifting to renewable and recycled plastics by 2032 despite higher costs, prioritizing sustainability.

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Plastic Microwaves

August 27, 2024
Plastic Facts

Microwaving plastic can be harmful to your health - use glass containers instead.

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Ocado Refillables

August 8, 2024
Eco News

Ocado pilots refillable packaging for household goods in the UK, aiming to reduce single-use plastic waste.

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Plastic Hope

August 1, 2024
Eco News

Innovations in bioplastics, reusable packaging, and recycling offer hope to combat the single-use plastic crisis.

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Plastic Diet

July 23, 2024
Plastic Facts

Donkeys in Kenya are dying from eating plastic, highlighting the widespread impact of plastic pollution on land animals.

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Banned 2035

July 22, 2024
Plastic Facts

Biden-Harris commit to banning use of single-use plastic products by government agencies by 2035, and use for food, packaging and events by 2027.

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Greenest Olympics

July 19, 2024
Eco News

Paris 2024 Olympics embraces sustainability with recycled materials, electric boats, and eco-friendly initiatives.

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Hundred Athletes

July 11, 2024
Eco News

Athletes ask Coca-Cola and Pepsi to stop selling single use plastic bottles.

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Specialty Recycling

June 18, 2024
Eco Tech

Specialized recycling companies are filling the gaps in traditional recycling, finding solutions for hard-to-recycle materials.

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Plastic Music

June 17, 2024
Eco Tech

Coldplay's new album uses recycled ocean plastic, highlighting the need for innovative solutions to plastic pollution.

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Recycling Scam

June 17, 2024
Plastic Facts

Plastic recycling can itself be harmful by releasing microplastics linked to health problems. Reduce plastic use and demand stricter regulations.

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Today's Top 20

June 12, 2024
Plastic Facts

Wealthy nations lead in single-use plastic waste per capita, with Singapore topping the list in a 2021 study.

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Plastic Ban NY

May 29, 2024
Eco News

New York' State's groundbreaking legislation combats plastic waste by banning Styrofoam and holding producers accountable.

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Local Circularity

May 23, 2024
Eco News

Local solutions are key to transitioning from plastic waste disposal to a circular economy model that prioritizes reduction, reuse, and recycling.

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Chemical Recycling

May 21, 2024
Eco Tech

Advanced recycling offers a promising solution for "unrecyclable" plastics.

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Famous Five

May 20, 2024
Plastic Facts

Just five companies responsible for almost a quarter of global branded plastic waste, global study finds.

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Coke Recycles

April 8, 2024
Eco News

Coca-Cola's NCAA event showcases closed-loop recycling, highlighting potential for large-scale events.

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Styrofoam Ban

April 8, 2024
Eco News

San Diego bans single-use styrofoam, straws & utensils to fight plastic pollution.

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Plastic Bag Chairs

April 8, 2024
Eco Tech

Sungai Watch transforms plastic bags, collected as river waste from Indonesian rivers, into furniture.

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Plastic Attitudes

March 21, 2024
Plastic Facts

U.S. wants action on plastic: companies accountable, bans on single-use plastics, increased personal action.

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Big Plastic Count

March 4, 2024
Plastic Facts

UK's Big Plastic Count targets plastic waste reduction through data collection.

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EU Bans Single-Use

March 4, 2024
Plastic Facts

EU bans single-use plastics in cafes, targets packaging waste reduction.

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Wooden Satellites

February 17, 2024
Eco Tech

Japan launches wooden satellite to reduce space debris.

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Upcycled Sneakers

February 17, 2024
Eco News

Dutch company offers closed-loop shoe recycling to tackle massive footwear waste problem.

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Less Plastic Toys

February 1, 2024
Eco News

France aims to reduce plastic toy waste with reuse & more eco friendly design.

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Plastic Winners

January 29, 2024
Plastic Facts

Unexpected countries lead in tackling plastic pollution with bans, recycling, and innovation.

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Plastic Packaging

January 29, 2024
Plastic Facts

Retailers face sustainability pressure, recycled plastic demand will skyrocket, increasing prices.

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Inhaling Plastics

January 29, 2024
Eco News

We inhale plastic particles (credit card amount/week) due to air pollution. Health risks unknown.

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Plastic Hermits

January 26, 2024
Eco News

Hermit crabs worldwide have adapted to using plastic trash as shells, showing resilience in evolving amidst environmental challenges.

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Compostable Shoes

January 19, 2024
Eco Tech

Company innovates with 3D printed compostable shoes, combining intricate designs and sustainable fashion, potentially curbing some of the fashion industry's pollution.

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Colorado Bags Bans

January 11, 2024
Eco News

Single-use plastic ban takes 1.5 Billion bags off the streets in Colorado.

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Fish & Two Plastics

January 8, 2024
Plastic Facts

Study measures the extent of microplastics in 16 protein products across the U.S.

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Plastic Oceans

December 25, 2023
Eco News

Study takes a proper look at the effect of microplastics in ocean with stark findings.

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2023 Progress

December 14, 2023
Eco News

2023 highlights: US clean energy funding, plastic lawsuits, Amazon protection, indigenous rights, climate change fund, fossil fuel plan.

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Probiotics & Plastic

November 27, 2023
Plastic Facts

Probiotics aid gut health, and it seems fermented foods may also offer beneficial bacteria solutions to counter the ingestion of plastic.

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Here to Stay

November 24, 2023
Plastic Facts

Exploring sustainable plastic recycling innovations - identifying the challenges and the potential breakthroughs.

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Bioplastic Forks

November 16, 2023
Plastic Facts

Bioplastics degrade variably, emphasizing single-use plastic's lasting environmental impact despite bioplastics' potential.

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Plastic Africa

November 8, 2023
Plastic Facts

Plastic waste is spiralling out of control in Africa, according to charity Tearfund.

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One Single Use

October 3, 2023
Plastic Facts

Single-use plastic bans are effective, but they are still not enough.

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Plastic Clouds

September 29, 2023
Eco News

Microplastics in clouds might worsen climate change, potentially exacerbating plastic pollution's environmental impact.

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Plastic Snacks

September 27, 2023
Eco Tech

Plastic-eating bacteria can turn piles of plastic waste into something useful.

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Artificial Reefs

August 25, 2023
Eco Tech

Recycling wood to create artificial reefs for marine life.

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Plastic Soap

August 17, 2023
Eco Tech

Making dirty plastics clean by transforming them into soap.

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Wasting Nothing

July 18, 2023
Eco News

How to live a life that produces no waste at all.

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Magic Microbes

May 10, 2023
Eco News

Microbes that can eat plastic even at cold temperatures gives us hope.

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Not Even Close

June 8, 2022
Plastic Facts

The US remains on the fence when it comes to the single-use plastic problem.

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