Plastic Winners

Rwanda is one of the leaders in reducing needless plastic pollution.
January 29, 2024
Plastic Facts

The top 10 countries winning in the fight against plastic pollution might surprise you - some of the innovation in how they are approaching will too.

Rwanda - Nationwide plastic bag ban implemented in 2008 with stiff penalties has drastically cut plastic waste.

Canada - Aggressive plans to eliminate single-use plastics, invest in recycling, and hold producers accountable.

Norway: High plastic recycling rates driven by deposit-return schemes and blockchain waste tracking technology.

Sweden: Super effective recycling system, and aims to reduce single-use plastic consumption by 50% by 2026.

Other notable countries include Kenya (single-use plastics ban), Germany (single-use plastic deposits), France (single-use tableware ban), Chile (first South American country to ban plastic bags), Peru (partial single-use plastics ban), India (ambitious single use plastic ban but not well enforced).